Our experience using Authoritas

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We have been using Authoritas for nearly 12 months and wanted to share our experience using the platform. Authoritas is a SEO tool that aims to help website owners analyse and increase their organic search performance.

One thing that strikes me about Authoritas is their excellent customer service. There is a live chat feature and the support team often respond within 15-20 minutes, sometimes sooner. They are always open to feedback and I’ve even spoken to the CEO a few times via their live chat function. They even have their own community.

Some of the features the platform has include Link Data, Content 360, Visibility Explorer and Project Visibility. We will now delve into each feature below.

Authoritas Link Data Module

As the name suggests, the Link Data module allows you to view your backlinks. It also allows you to view the backlinks of your competitors. You can add as many competitors as you wish. You can choose to check backlinks once a month, twice a month or every two months.

Each backlink gives you the following information:

  • Page containing backlink
  • Which page backlink links to
  • New or existing backlink
  • Follow or no follow
  • If it also backlinks to your competitors

The Link Data module also shows you the influence and relevance levels for each backlink. Influence indicates how reputable the backlink is, allowing you to identify any shady backlinks. Relevance indicates how relevant the backlink is. Adding extra marketing keywords allows you to get a more reliable relevance score. For example, a clothes shop may use ‘ men’s clothing’, ‘kid’s clothing’ and ‘designer fashion’ as their marketing keywords.

Authoritas Content 360 Module

The Content 360 module shows you certain information for each page on your website. It does this by crawling your website. There is the option to adjust the crawl settings to set a page limit, exclude pages and only crawl www pages. You can also set a crawl schedule so your website is crawled on a regular basis. For example, you can set it to crawl every Friday. You can view old crawls for your website to see how things have changed over time. Crawling for competitor sites can be enabled, if you wish to do so.

Authoritas Visibility Explorer Module

The Visibility Explorer module shows you some key statistics for your domain and any other domains you choose. You can choose from 25+ countries depending on your main target audience.

The main statistics contained in the module are:

  • Number of keywords
  • Number of ranking URLs
  • Visibility index
  • Visibility share
  • Result type prominence
Authoritas Project Visibility Module

The Project Visibility module is similar to the Visibility Explorer module but contains a few extra statistics. It compares the different domains you have set up in your project. For example, if your project includes your domain and five competitors, the module would compare all six domains.

We recently had the opportunity to speak (virtually) to Laurence O’Toole (CEO of Authoritas) and asked him a few questions!

Question 1: What makes Authoritas different to other platforms?

We’re independent. We’re not owned by a large VC company or have major shareholders calling the shots. We are driven by what our customers need in order to respond to the changes in such a dynamic market.

We own our own proxy network and run our own keyword research and ranking data collection process. This gives us much better control over data accuracy – we use a real browser – you won’t find any SEO hacks here! Our SERPs API offers features that no other keyword ranking API does, such as User Intent, Top ranking page type classification (“Smell of the SERP”) and unique features like Above-the-fold analysis and reporting on an unparalleled number of SERP features. We cover the majority of the essential SEO tools and data a professional SEO team needs and represent good value for money compared to most other comparable SEO software. We have a new range of advanced SEO tools for eCommerce sites that I believe are fairly unique.

Question 2: Which three words would you use to describe Authoritas?

Innovative. Accurate. Insightful.

Question 3: What do you have planned for Authoritas in the future?

We’re working hard on a new UI. We are also ensuring we measure the customer experience and use data to drive future product developments. We’re very customer focused – any client can speak to any member of the team and they regularly do. We’ll continue to be customer driven.

Currently, we’re working on:

  • The new V8 User Interface
  • Multi-national multi-site Google Data Studio dashaboards for MNEs
  • More advanced SEO analysis for eCommerce sites
  • The implementation of AI to improve workflow and SEO results (don’t want to say much more at this stage – but it’s pretty exciting!)

For more information about Authoritas check out their website.

Finally, a massive thanks to Laurence for answering our questions and allowing us to use the Authoritas logo.